School Insurance Programs

Ask us about our Dividend Insurance programs!

At Borawski Insurance we provide expert school insurance and risk management programs for private and specialized education schools.

The challenges of risk exposure and management are magnified by the complex and varied exposures of private, traditional and specialized educational schools. With a broad range of student and activities risks, employee and volunteer injuries exposure, and facilities and transportation insurance needs, private schools of all types turn to Borawski Insurance for their recognized expertise and years of experience in every educational insurance environment.

We work with your school to provide the coverage you need along with the peace of mind you want by:

  • Identifying the potential sources of losses faced by your school and the individuals responsible for its operation.
    Assessing the potential impact, both social and economic, your various exposures can have on the school.
  • Developing and instituting both Pre-Loss and Post Loss Risk Control protocols to reduce the frequency and severity of any claims; our mutual goal is to have no injuries by providing an environment safe for students, employees and the public.
  • Using insurance (traditional and risk financing programs) to provide the most cost effective transfer of those exposures that cannot be retained.
  • Applying non-insurance contractual risk transfer review to construction agreements, vendor contracts, use of premises forms, parent permission slips and other contractual agreements to help defense the school against liability assumed by contract.
  • Monitoring and managing the internal aspects of the school’s risk management and insurance program as well as external legal, compliance, and market conditions.

Our School Insurance programs provide specialized coverages including:

  • Broad Named Insured
  • Foreign Liability, Sports Liability and Nurses Liability
  • School District and Educators Legal Liability
  • Replacement Cost for School Buses
  • Building Ordinance or Law Coverage
  • Sexual Molestation or Abuse Liability with Enhanced Defense Cost

Let us design and tailor a program to meet your specific needs. Our program is available for:

  • Private Schools (Day and Boarding Schools)
  • Colleges, Universities and Community Colleges
  • Charter School and Public Schools
  • Vocational and Technical Schools
  • Business Trade Schools

For more information please contact us at [email protected] or 413-586-5011.

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